}Pengalaman orang{ 17032016 Kata Orang Singapore tentang Indonesia Suatu pagi di Bandar Lampung, kami menjemput seseorang di bandara. Orang itu sudah tua, kisaran 60 tahun. Sebut saja si bapak. Si bapak adalah pengusaha asal singapura, dengan logat bicara gaya melayu, english, (atau singlish) beliau menceritakan pengalaman2 hidupnya kepada kami yang masih muda. Mulai dari pengalaman bisnis, spiritual, keluarga, bahkan percintaan hehehe.. "Your country is so rich!" Ah biasa banget kan denger kata2 begitu. Tapi tunggu dulu.. "Indonesia doesn't need the world, but the world needs Indonesia" "Everything can be found here in Indonesia, u don't need the world" "Mudah saja, Indonesia paru2 dunia. Tebang saja hutan di Kalimantan, dunia pasti kiamat. Dunia yang butuh Indonesia !" "Singapore is nothing, we cant be rich without Indonesia . 500.000 orang Indonesia berlibur ke Singapura setiap bulan. Bisa terbayang uang yang m...
1. Doni was bought bicycle by her mum two weeks ago. He has often been cycling around park near my home. he has cleaned that cycle his mum bought that cycle after his father had received a salary . Now. doni is cycling wit his friends. they have cycling together since one hour ago. tomorrow afternoon Doni will Cycle again with them, However, he will have done home work. 2. I am reading novel now, that novel was bought her brother a week ago. that novel will be borrowed her friend next week. however juita will have been completing. That novel was given to jui ta because juita had get first rank in the class. juita has like reading since two months ago and she reading that novel everiday . 3. i have done my homework, and now I am helping my mum in the kitchen, We have been in the kitchen since an one hour ago. Iam always halps her everyday. yesterday i did not help her because i was sick we are cooking chicken. 4. I have called my friend, She is in Australia now, She wa...